Golden Retrievers are one of the most popular dog breeds in the world today due to their amazing personalities and adorable appearance. However, like most breeds, they can come with some health concerns and grooming needs you must keep in mind. If you find that your dog’s coat is not as fluffy as it once was, this can be an area of concern.
While many coat issues are a simple fix, this can be a sign of deeper issues that need addressed such as poor nutrition. To better help you get to the bottom of your dog’s coat issue, we have created a list of six reasons why your golden retriever is not fluffy and how you can fix it.
Your Golden Is Not the Right Age
One thing many forget when adding a golden retriever to their family is that their coat will go through several phases. The coat that your puppy arrives to you with will not be the exact same texture as what they grow older with. If your dog is not yet reaching that fluffy golden retriever coat you were hoping for, it may not be time for them to yet.
Some things to keep in mind about how your golden retriever’s coat will change over time are:
- Puppies Under 3 Months – At this point, it can be hard to tell a golden from other retriever or lab breeds. However, this is very normal, and a puppy coat will be much different than the coat later in life. You should focus more on training your pup and teaching good grooming habits at this stage.
- Ages 3 to 18 Months – This is when adult coats will start growing and this is often referred to as the “feathering” stage because feathers of longer hair will start to grow. This feathering begins at the tail and moves upward to the head, while hair begins to darken in color. This is a good idea of what your adult dog will look like.
- 18 Months and Up – At this stage, your dog should have most of their adult coat and you should have a good idea of what their coat looks like. It is important to note that some golden retrievers will take longer to reach their adult coat. After the three year mark, if your dog still does not have a fluffy coat or you notice any coat changes, this is when you should become concerned.
If your dog has not yet reached adulthood, their coat is not a major concern and patience is key!
Improper Coat Care
Another reason that your golden retriever’s coat may not be as fluffy as you would like is because it is not being cared for properly. As a pet owner, it can be challenging to know exactly what your pet needs and golden retrievers have a fairly high maintenance coat. You will want to offer your pet regular coat care as part of your daily routine.
Brushing Your Golden’s Coat
The first step to ensuring your pet has a fluffy, nice coat is to brush them regularly. This should start as soon as you bring your puppy home, even before they truly need it. This will establish good grooming techniques and ensure that your dog is used to regular brushing.
Frequently brushing your dog’s coat has countless benefits but some notable ones are:
- Removes old loose hairs, making room for new hairs.
- Removes dead skin cells which will cut down on the levels of dander your pet has. This helps your pet’s skin and cleanliness of the home.
- Brushing will distribute the dog’s skin oils more evenly, leading to a silkier coat.
- Removing excess dead hairs will avoid matting and keep hair detangled.
Start with a softer brush for puppies and get a sturdier brush as your dog ages to remove unwanted dead hairs.
Routine Bathing Will Keep Your Golden Fluffy
Another important part of raising any dog but especially golden retriever is to routinely bathe your pet. This will help ensure that the coat remains supple and free of any debris. Dogs that have longer coats can easily become entangled with small twigs, burrs, and dirt which are hard to remove without regular bathing.
Before bathing your golden retriever, remove any notable sticks or debris. You will want to find a shampoo that works well for the breed, which you can often ask a vet for assistance with. You should only bathe your dog as needed, and never more than a couple of times per week.
If your dog is particularly hard to bathe or brush, you may want to take it to a professional groomer. This can also help if your dog has gotten matted or knots that you cannot deal with on your own. Overall, proper coat care is the first step in creating a fluffy coat.
Your Golden Retriever’s Genetics Play a Role
A major part of your dog’s hair texture will come from their genetics. Some golden retrievers will simply not have as fluffy coats as others, which is something you cannot necessarily change. If your notice that your puppy grows a less fluffy coat and wavier coat, this may just be their genetics.
The first step to determining if your dog simply does not have a fluffy coat is to consult your breeder. Often puppies of two golden retrievers that have wavy hair will also have wavier hair. If your puppy has a coat that resembles the parents, that probably means they too will have a wavy coat.
If you have rescued or adopted the dog, this can clearly be a bigger challenge. However, it is simply put that not all golden retrievers will be fluffy, and this should not be a concern unless a major coat change is noticed. There is truly no way that you can alter a genetically based hair texture.
Poor Diet and Nutrition
One of the biggest reasons for a change in coat in an adult golden retriever is a lack of nutrition. This is also one reason why some goldens do not grow silky, shiny coats as they are not getting the nutrients needed. To ensure that your dog has a fluffy coat, you will want to guarantee they get the nutrients they need.
Some signs of poor nutrition that can be noted from the coat alone are excessive shedding, bald patches or extreme loss of hair, dry hair, dandruff, and more. If you notice any of these signs, you will want to seek better quality nutrition for your pet. This can often be done on your own, but a vet can always point you in a proper direction.
Key things to keep in mind when it comes to your dog’s nutrition are:
- They have the right foods for their age, activity level, and overall size. This will change as your dog grows older and you will want to update foods accordingly.
- Choose a higher quality food that has better ingredients. Unfortunately, better foods often come with a higher price tag but can be very beneficial to your dog.
- Try adding supplements to promote hair growth and quality. Omega-3 can be added and will help with coat quality immensely. This should be brought up at your next vet visit for more exact dosages.
If you ever have concerns over your dog’s nutritional needs, seeking professional help is the best option!
Environmental Changes Impact Coat Health
If you have recently made a major move and brought your pet along or have had a recent change in seasons, this can have an effect. Dryer weather can often lead to a less supple coat. If you have noticed an increase in dry weather in your area, this could be the culprit.
Often, this is a simple fix as your dog’s coat will become more supple once the weather changes. However, if you are bothered by this there are a few things you can do to restore your pup’s fluff:
- Keep your dog inside more. The air quality inside is usually much nicer and will help with your dog’s coat.
- Get a humidifier for your home or even your dog’s area specifically. This added moisture in your home is not only great for your dog’s coat but for you as well.
- Offering more frequent bathing with a higher quality, moisturizing shampoo can also help immensely.
If you live in an area that is dry often, you may want to combine these suggestions and speak to a vet for more options on what you can do for your pup.
Unknown Health Concerns
If you ever notice a change in coat in addition to a change in behavior or overall health, this can be a concern. When it comes to your pet’s coat, one reason for a change in texture can be unknown health concerns. While this could be a simple issue, it could also be something that needs immediate care.
If you find that your pet’s coat is not as fluffy as it once was and your dog has been experiencing other health concerns, it is time to seek professional help. Beyond ensuring that your dog has a healthy coat, a vet can do screenings to find deeper issues. This will help guarantee your dog has a long, healthy life.
Keep Your Golden Retriever Healthy and Fluffy!
Proper nutrition and quality routine care will almost guarantee your dog has a fluffy, soft, and silky coat. If you are ever concerned about your dog’s overall wellbeing, it is best to seek professional help. However, if you notice minor coat changes, try some of the suggestions on our list to help restore your dog’s beautiful coat.